SC Real Estate Salesperson Prelicensing Curriculum Unit I

SC Real Estate Salesperson Prelicensing Curriculum Unit I


Unit I curriculum's intention is to provide a reasonably comprehensive guide to the subject matter, laws, processes, and activities that are part of the real estate profession. This course is not intended to restrict itself only to the details of the state exam PSI test but to ensure all terms and concepts are discussed in an open format in a classroom setting. This is the first step in preparing the students in the complex practice of the real estate profession in South Carolina. 60 hours of total instruction Cost : $450. includes text book

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Unit I curriculum's intention is to provide a reasonably comprehensive guide to the subject matter, laws, processes, and activities that are part of the real estate profession. This course is not intended to restrict itself only to the details of the state exam PSI test but to ensure all terms and concepts are discussed in an open format in a classroom setting. This is the first step in preparing the students in the complex practice of the real estate profession in South Carolina.  60 hours of total instruction Cost : $429 includes text book