Broker Unit IIIA
Broker Unit IIIA
The intention of the curriculum is to provide a reasonably comprehensive guide to the subject matter, laws, processes, activities and responsibilities that are part of the real estate profession. Additionally an understanding of the legal responsibilities and liabilities , both civil and criminal that is inherent in virtually every decision a BIC makes. This course is to ensure that the Broker candidate will be prepared for assuming the position of leadership, supervision and responsibility within the complex practice of the real estate profession in South Carolina. Unit IIIA 30hours of instruction Cost: $450 includes text book
The intention of the curriculum is to provide a reasonably comprehensive guide to the subject matter, laws, processes, activities and responsibilities that are part of the real estate profession. Additionally, an understanding of the legal responsibilities and liabilities, both civil and criminal that is inherent in virtually every decision a BIC makes. This course is to ensure that the Broker candidate will be prepared for assuming the position of leadership, supervision and responsibility within the complex practice of the real estate profession in South Carolina. Unit IIIA 30hours of instruction Cost: $400 includes text book.